Kara Jorgo dancing robot

A high school project

In 10th grade our beloved physics teacher Hüseyin Gül suggested to start a robot club in our school and purchased a set of robots. I believe it was the first of its kind in Kyrgyzstan.

The project had a success in a media due to the Kara-Jorgo dance the robot performed. Consequently, it led to the opening of same clubs throughout the turkish lyceums and beyond. Altough we didn’t construct the robot from ground up and didn’t have to program the actuators and design PCB, the media presented it as if we did. It lead to my first revelation of how media works and subsequently made me wary of any media coverage and any internet presence.

Nerverthless, I hope it did inspire other students to venture into robotics and get into coding. All the credits go my my teacher Hüseyin Gül, who undoubtedly gave opportuniy to have hands-on experience with robotics to many-many students.



